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Making the Bible come alive

in me


Book Studies


A 8-minute graphic overview of the Book of Hebrews.  The visual impact of seeing the intent and structure of Hebrews  being drawn graphically as the narrator walks through an overview of the book is stunning.  This video serves as an introduction to a more detailed study on the Book of Hebrews.

Source:     Life.Church



An 10 min introduction to The Book of Psalms using theatrical style.  The songs traces the life of David from his anointing to his flight for his life, eventual rise to the throne, his fall into sin and restoration.  Psalmists continued writing till Israel went into exile. These songs echoes the emotions of joy and pain, and give the Israelites in exile a hope for a coming King.  This video provides an overview on how the Psalms are organized

Source:           The Spoken Gospel


ACTS - Part 1

In this 40 minute video, David Pawson highlights the significance of having Luke, a doctor, to record the miracles in the early church, the oral accounts of defense of the faith, and milestone conversions of individuals as the Holy Spirit expanded the church in waves.   The skillful painting of the background context provided a key to the understanding of the developments in the early church.  

Source:     David Pawson Ministry


ACTS - Part 2

In Part 2, David Pawson points out how the Book of Acts serve as a link between the Gospels and the Epistles, and  Christ and the church.  He notes the exponential growth of the church and highlights the principle elements through the example of the early church.  

Source:     David Pawson Ministry


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